Il y a du Rogue One dans l’air au San Diego Comic-Con!
Le Lucasfilm Pavilion révèle un tout nouveau personnage du futur film Star Wars. Faite la rencontre de Edrio Two Tubes, un pilote mercenaire. Bref, voici la description complète du perso :

 Edrio Two Tubes is a mercenary pilot who flies alongside his eggmate, Benthic. The two share the nickname derived from the breathing apparatus that allows their Tognath physiology to process oxygen atmospheres. Edrio’s home world Yar Togna was conquered and occupied by the Empire, forcing him to flee as a refugee. Desiring to strike back at the Empire, Edrio and Benthic have allied with Saw Gerrera.

Alors, que pensez-vous du design de ce nouveau personnage de Rogue One ? Venez en discuter sur notre forum juste ici.

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