Retrouvez ici toutes les infos sur l'event de l'année 2010 !

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Staff MIB - Admin
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03 déc. 2009 15:40

C'est désormais officiel, Célébration V aura lieu du 12 au 15 Aout 2010 à Orlando !!!!
501st Legion Member - TK27388
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POTF2 Red Card
POTF2 Red Card
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03 déc. 2009 16:19

Et "Déjection de Bantha" j'avais parié sur chicago :gne:

Mais bon 12 au 15 aout ca veut dire que je serais en vacance :banana2:

Voila les prix

* Adult Four-Day Passes are $120
* Saturday Passes are $50
* Thursday, Friday, and Sunday Passes are $45
* Kids Four-Day Passes are $50 and One-Day Passes are $25.
Ça reste dans les tarifs habituelles
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig, you dig.
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Staff MIB
Staff MIB
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03 déc. 2009 18:55

Orlandoooooooooooooo, me voilà!!! Enfin un event où je peux aller sans me ruiner :D
Le logo est superbe!!
Les Mibiens, vous pouvez me mettre sur la liste :banana2:
Je suis très intéressé. Comment ça fonctionne pour l'event, les billets et tout le tralala. Je désire me joindre à ceux qui y vont, ce sera une belle occasion de se rencontrer et de célébrer ensemble. J'attends maintenant avec impatience l'annonce de l'exclu Gentle Giant :roll:
Sylvain aka Ben84, nos pensées vont vers toi, nous ne t’oublierons jamais mon ami.
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Episode I
Episode I
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03 déc. 2009 21:44

orlando :D comme prevu ! :P peut etre une destination a faire en famille....
disney, universal :banana1: :banana1: :banana1: ...
les billets d'avions c'est du 600 euros par personnes en A/R
le seul truc c'est 4 jours, ça fait long non ?
enfin bonne nouvelle, je retourne faire des economies ! :mrgreen:
Trop de Series ... heroes, dexter, rome, 24, battlestar... help !!!
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POTF2 Red Card
POTF2 Red Card
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Inscription : 18 nov. 2007 21:27
Localisation : Versailles

03 déc. 2009 22:21

champomy2 a écrit : le seul truc c'est 4 jours, ça fait long non ?
Et c'est quelqu'un qui a déjà fait des celebrations qui dis ca :x
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig, you dig.
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Staff MIB - Admin
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04 déc. 2009 0:30

Je n'irai pas ... snif
pas de signature ...
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POTF2 Red Card
POTF2 Red Card
Messages : 6415
Inscription : 18 nov. 2007 21:27
Localisation : Versailles

04 déc. 2009 0:55

arbal a écrit :Je n'irai pas ... snif
Dommage :sad2:

sinon quelques mot de sansweet (en attendant que michel réserve la camionnette pour le stand :portnawak: ) ... 128040.asp

Now that Celebration V details have been officially announced, I was able to get on the phone and get some more information from Steve Sansweet, Director of Content and Fan Relations at Lucasfilm Ltd, and more importantly, the man in charge of Star Wars Celebrations. Of course Steve has been dying to get this announced, and nobody could be happier it is than him.

With the announcement, three questions have come up pretty quickly in emails to us. Why did it take so long to announce, why Orlando and why August, so that's where I started with Steve.

Steve said first that the new partnership with show producer Reed Exibitions gives them exclusive rights to do celebration events, and with his experience doing seven celebrations, and their massive experience producing shows, it took a long time to get everything about this partnership perfect. But along the way, Lucasfilm and Reed were working on venues, and that in itself is a big project, starting with 10 - 12 possible cities. With Steve's desire to continue to move the Celebrations around the country geographically, the west was pretty quickly ruled out, while cities like Baltimore, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Chicago and others were considered, some dropped out because they just didn't have appropriate facilites or dates that worked. The long period spent finalizing a producing contract did affect the final date because Steve and Reed want this to be the best celebration yet and we all know that does take time to plan for them and for fans. Steve went on to say he couldn't be happier with Reed as the producer because they have tremendous experience in producing shows, but they also have a terrific track record building a pop-culture show with the success they have shown in New York comic con in just four years.

I asked Steve about it being really hot in Orlando that time of year. He said it's pretty hard to find any place that isn't hot in August, but for sure Orlando will be humid and though it is hot, most of the time we'll all be inside. Having grown up in Houston myself, I know you just really get used to every place you go having cold airconditioning blowing, which is how places like this operate. In fact, for those that will be involved in the show, even hall setup and takedown will be airconditioned. Pretty much, Steve feels this is the right place in the right year and everything just feels right about the decision. Steve pointed out not only is there ample supply of nearby hotel rooms for all budgets, but Orlando is a destination site itself, especially with Disney right there and they expect many fans to stay over to take advantage of this. While there are no actual plans yet, they do expect to work closely with Disney and others and hope to have special arrangements with other Orlando destinations.

I asked Steve if he felt the destination would mean even more families with children would attend than before. He said even before the weekly Clone Wars series, more families has been attending the celebrations, but now, the combination of the success of the show and the Orlando destination should really bring out the families.

For those that have never seen the convention hall, I "pffffffuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit !" tell you it's a massive place. Steve told me they have an option on an enormous amount of space, and pending having great ideas to fill it up, they will take it all. Which is where you the fans come in. At the official celebration site,, under Events, there is a place for fans to submit Fan Event Ideas. That's right, they are dying to hear what fans want at the show. Submit your Fan Event Ideas Right Here. Steve said events with even more fan interaction are definitely desired.

I had to ask whether Steve thought George Lucas would attend to which he couldn't give a commitment, but that George always gets an invite, in fact, many people fans would want to see get invites, but schedules and commitments often get in the way. My guess is if enough fans make it known they want to see George at the show, that will do more to get him there than anything. We'll help, stay tuned.

With any Celebration, part of the fun is to have exclusive access to Celebration Exclusive items. Steve said we could not only expect this, but Reed has committed to a process that will allow fans to pre-order items and pick them up at the show. Gentle Giant does this every year at San Diego comic con and it is a terrific process that takes the worry out of getting that special limited item and saves you time, so bravo for this. We shouldn't expect an exclusive Hasbro figure though as Steve said the lead time is so long it wasn't practical. Don't fret though, there will be other cool items he says.

Comparing ticket prices, it's nice to see they are similar to Celebration IV, with the addition of a VIP ticket, details of which will be announced. You will be able to upgrade your ticket to VIP when they do announce, so long as you do it right away as Steve says VIP tickets will be very limited.

Steve said fans could count on seeing movie props there again, and of course a huge Star Wars artist contingent, and an autograph hall, as usual as they are all huge fan favorites.

If you are getting ready to make travel plans, you don't need to be in a rush because Steve said at the first of the year they will make huge hotel blocks available online at a discount. The ticket window opens up December 10 at 9:00 AM EST. Prices will be higher at the door according to the website.
Si besoin de trad dite le et je m'en occuperais :wink:

J'attend de voir les plans pour les hôtels mais a priori j'ai choppé un système pas mal.

Sinon pour les a coté, orlandoo c'est le paradis des parc d'attractions, DIsney world, universal bush garden et j'en passe (mais vu la période dans le meilleur des cas j'irais a cap canaveral).
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig, you dig.
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Animated Figures
Animated Figures
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04 déc. 2009 1:06

Moi j'espérais y aller ben y a peu de chance que ça se fasse finalement.
Question d'argent, de date etc...
"Le Clonage, c'est la Vie !"
Dalsk XYAC, cloneur expérimenté.
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Solo..., Han Solo
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04 déc. 2009 1:09

darkgrievous a écrit :
arbal a écrit :Je n'irai pas ... snif
Dommage :sad2:

sinon quelques mot de sansweet (en attendant que michel réserve la camionnette pour le stand :portnawak: )
Bha il dit ça mais rien n'est fait pour lui !

Par contre ça pour la camionnette effectivement faut pas compter dessus :lol:
c'est du flan…
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POTF2 Red Card
POTF2 Red Card
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Inscription : 18 nov. 2007 21:27
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04 déc. 2009 1:23

Solo..., Han Solo a écrit :
Par contre ça pour la camionnette effectivement faut pas compter dessus :lol:
Les contrebandiers c'est plus ce que c'était :gne:

sinon à retenir:
futur billet VIP
possibilité de préco les exclus et de les retirer sur place
il va faire chaud !
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig, you dig.
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Staff MIB
Staff MIB
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04 déc. 2009 5:44

ca commence à réserver fort .

les nuits les moins chère 50-55 dollards.
bientôt plein....
vive les flamby.
Envoyé depuis mon MINITEL 3615 code MIB
Merci de répondre sur mon adresse habituelle.
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Staff MIB
Staff MIB
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04 déc. 2009 6:00

Econo Lodge Inn & Suites International Dr
8738 International Drive , Orlando, FL, US, 32819
Phone: (407) 345-8195
vive les flamby.
Envoyé depuis mon MINITEL 3615 code MIB
Merci de répondre sur mon adresse habituelle.
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Captain' Kirk
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Inscription : 21 déc. 2004 14:39
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04 déc. 2009 9:26

C'est un truc à se faire ça 8) 8)

je vais sérieusement étudier la question pour y aller avec madame :wink:
N'oubliez pas, les Cotes SW sont sur :
Clone Wars
Clone Wars
Messages : 10
Inscription : 04 déc. 2009 11:12

04 déc. 2009 11:24

Arg, je commencais à sérieusement envisager la question quand soudain
I asked Steve if he felt the destination would mean even more families with children would attend than before. He said even before the weekly Clone Wars series, more families has been attending the celebrations, but now, the combination of the success of the show and the Orlando destination should really bring out the families.

Et là, je crains la convention centré sur TCW et non sur les 30 ans de L'empire :(
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POTF2 Red Card
POTF2 Red Card
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Inscription : 18 nov. 2007 21:27
Localisation : Versailles

04 déc. 2009 11:38

C'est juste qu'il aborderont le passé (30 ans d'esb) tout en parlant du futur, clone wars.
C'est ce qu'il avait déjà fait au autres celebration et on a pas eu d'overdose clone wars :wink:
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig, you dig.

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